In viaggio con una rock star
Get Him to the Greek- Avventura
- Commedia
- Musica
Jonah HillAaron Green
Russell BrandAldous Snow
Rose ByrneJackie Q
Elisabeth MossDaphne Binks
Tyler McKinneyAfrican Child in Video
Zoe SalmonZöe Salmon
Lino FacioliNaples
Eric MarshallConcert goer
Lars UlrichSelf
Mario LópezSelf
Billy BushBilly Bush
Kurt LoderKurt Loder
Christina AguileraSelf
Colm MeaneyJonathan Snow
Ray SieglePaparazzo in LA
Chad ClevenPaparazzo in LA
Jonathan Chris LopezPaparazzo in LA
Vero Felice MontiPaparazzo in LA
Danny O'LearyDanny O'Leary
Aziz AnsariMatty Briggs
Sean CombsSergio Roma
Kali HawkKali Coleman
Nick KrollKevin McLean
Brandon JohnsonPinnacle Executive
Ivan ShawPinnacle Executive
Ellie KemperPinnacle Executive
Jake JohnsonJazz Man
Da'Vone McDonaldSergio's Security Guard
Derek RessallatDr. Coltrane
Karl TheobaldDuffy Servant Dude
Dinah StabbLena Snow
Gee SekweyamaAldous's Mate in London
Jamie SivesAldous's Mate in London
Tom FeltonTom Felton
Zoe RichardsClub Girl in London
Jessica EllerbyClub Girl in London
Tony van SilvaOld Man on Bike
Meddy FordParty Girl in Limo
Rebecca KinderParty Girl in Limo
Jim PiddockLimousine Driver in London
Kristen BellSarah Marshall
Rick SchroderRicky Schroder
Ryan ShirakiRianna the Hairdresser
José Ramón RosarioLimousine Driver in NY
Pharrell WilliamsSelf
Kristen SchaalToday Show Production Assistant
Meredith VieiraMeredith Vieira
Sean MannionToday Show Sound Guy
David AuerbachToday Show Stage Manager
Howard StrawbridgeToday Show Lighting Director
Stephen G. LucasToday Show Director
Paul KrugmanSelf
Lenny WidegrenInfant Sorrow Guitarist
Roger Joseph Manning Jr.Infant Sorrow Keyboardist / Guitarist
Sean HurleyInfant Sorrow Bassist
Victor IndrizzoInfant Sorrow Drummer
Ato EssandohSmiling African Drummer
Aurora Nonas-BarnesOak Room Girl
Jennifer PerryFlirtatious Party Girl
Lindsey BroadPocket Dial Girl
Nicole SciaccaDancer at Nightclub in NY
Thomas NowellS&M Guy Who Looks Like Moby
Duane SequiraDrug Dealer in NY
Ronald J. GarnerTSA Agent at JFK
Joyful DrakeSergio's Baby Mama
Francesca DelbancoAdmiral Club Attendant
T.J. MillerBrian
Neal BrennanGuy at Brian's House
Stephanie FaracyWendy
Brian DupreyFrank Look-Alike
Kyle DiamondSammy Look-Alike
Thomas R. WallekJoey Look-Alike
Drew Anthony CarranoDean Look-Alike
Kelly Ann BuckmanWaitress in Vegas
Giusy CastiglioneLap Dancer in Vegas
Christine NguyenLap Dancer in Vegas
Diana TerranovaLap Dancer in Vegas
Ava VassilevaTopless Party Girl
Carla GalloDestiny
Carlos JacottNavigator Driver in Vegas
Rino RomanoAnnouncer (voice)
Joe BensonDJ (voice)
Sarah HaskinsGirl in Crowd at Standard Hotel
Andrew BurlinsonHipster in Crowd at Standard Hotel
Tom ChadwickTom the Assistant
Mike ViolaFurry Walls Rhythm Guitarist
Dan RothchildFurry Walls Bassist
Dayton KnollVH1 Storyteller Audience Member
George AloiAirline Passenger
Aiden CardeiConcert Goer
Peter ConboySoccer Coach
Daniela DakichAldous Groupie
Deanna GibsonFan
Lonnie HendersonAmerican Soldier (uncredited)
Richard HochmanValet
Robert Scott HowardJon
Annie HsuClub Patron In New York
Jill JordanEntourage Girl
Benjamin KanesSinging Concert Fan
Tonya KayModel
Kristen Marie KellyObsessed Fan
Jian LeonardoModel
Natalina MaggioHot Club Dancer
Meghan, Duchess of SussexTatiana
Thomas J. PostPaparazzi in Las Vegas
Kirsten RoetersFlight Attendant
Daniel RobaireDrunk Bachelor
Jonathan RylandServant Dude
Dee SniderDee Snider
Derek ThelerStandard Guest
Julia TokarzAldous Snow Fan
Magali WidmerDancer
Chris WilsonLondon Executive
Alexandra WrightConcert Fan
Michael BravoStrip Pedestrian (uncredited)
Aaron Green è un impiegato della M&A Records il cui Chief Executive Sergio Roma cerca un evento che faccia rumore nel mondo della musica. Aaron suggerisce che, trattandosi del decimo anniversario di un album che fece scandalo si potrebbe andare a cercarne l'autore e realizzare un concerto. Si tratta di Aldous Snow, rockstar trasgressiva di cui Roma si fida poco ma decide comunque di tentare. Chi dovrà andarlo a prendere a Londra e portarlo prima a New York per un'apparizione tv e poi al Greek Theatre a Los Angeles sarà Aaron. Con pochissimo tempo a disposizione e con un soggetto molto, molto difficile da gestire.
Aaron Green ha solo settantadue ore di tempo per portare la leggenda del rock Aldous Snow sul palco del Greek Theatre di Los Angeles...
Andrea Bedeschi / 14 feb 2012