Les Misérables
- Storia
- Dramma
Data di uscita
18 dicembre 2012
Tom Hooper
William Nicholson
Hugh JackmanJean Valjean
Russell CroweJavert
Anne HathawayFantine
Amanda SeyfriedCosette
Sacha Baron CohenThénardier
Helena Bonham CarterMadame Thénardier
Eddie RedmayneMarius Pontmercy
Aaron TveitEnjolras
Samantha BarksÉponine
Daniel HuttlestoneGavroche
Fra FeeCourfeyrac
Hugh SkinnerJoly
Alistair BrammerProuvaire
Killian DonnellyCombeferre
Adam PearceBrujon
Ian PirieBabet
Tim DownieBrevet
Bertie CarvelBamatabois
Colm WilkinsonBishop
Michael JibsonForeman
Isabelle AllenYoung Cosette
Natalya WallaceYoung Éponine
Tony RohrOverseer
Richard DixonMairie Officer
Andy BeckwithInnkeeper
Stephen BentJailer
Heather ChasenMadame Magloire
Georgie GlenMadame Baptistine
Andrew HavillCochepaille
Stephen TateFauchelevent
Nicola SloaneHair Crone
Daniel EvansPimp
Adrian ScarboroughToothman
David CannMagistrate
Dick WardBamatabois' Valet
Keith DunphyClient
Ashley ArtusPawn Broker
Cavin CornwallConvict 1
Josef AltinConvict 2
David HawleyConvict 3
Adam JonesConvict 4
John BarrConvict 5
Paul ThornleyConstable 1
Paul HowellConstable 2
Kate FleetwoodFactory Woman 1
Hannah WaddinghamFactory Woman 2
Clare FosterFactory Woman 3
Kirsty HoilesFactory Woman 4
Jenna BoydFactory Woman 5
Alice FearnFactory Woman 6
Alison TennantFactory Woman 7
Marilyn CuttsFactory Woman 8
Cathy BreezeFactory Woman 9
John AlbasinyFactory Onlooker
David StollerSailor 1
Ross McCormackSailor 2
Jaygann AyehSailor 3
Julia WorsleyHead Whore
Frances RuffelleWhore 1
Lynne WilmotWhore 2
Charlotte SpencerWhore 3
John SurmanOrgan Grinder
James SimmonsChampmathieu
Polly KempNursing Sister
Julian BleachClaquesous
Marc PickeringMontparnasse
Phil SnowdenCustomer 1
Hadrian DelaceyCustomer 2
Lottie SteerBaby
Sam ParksTall Customer
Mark DonovanPortly Customer
Lewis KirkHandsome Soldier 1
Leighton RaffertyHandsome Soldier 2
Peter MairFather Christmas 1
Jack ChissickFather Christmas 2
Norma AtallahMother Whore
Dianne PilkingtonInn Whore 1
Robyn NorthInn Whore 2
Patrick GodfreyGillenormand
Mark RoperCitizen
Paul LeonardCitizen
Miles RoughleyGavroche's Urchin
Cameron StreffordGavroche's Urchin
Alfie DavisGavroche's Urchin
Joseph WestGavroche's Urchin
Joel PhillimoreBeggar 1
Jacqueline DankworthBeggar 2
Amelia JeffordBeggar 3
Chris BarnesBeggar 4
Richard CorderyDuc De Raguse
Gabriel VickFeuilly
George BlagdenGrantaire
Stuart NealLesgles
Iwan LewisBahorel
Katy SecombeMadame Hucheloup
Michael SarneFather Mabeuf
John WarnabyMajordomo
Freya ParksCafé Barmaid
Hadley FraserArmy Officer
Linzi HateleyTurning Woman 1
Gemma WardleTurning Woman 2
Gina BeckTurning Woman 3
Katie HallTurning Woman 4
Lisa HullTurning Woman 5
Andrea DeckTurning Woman 6
Jessica DuncanTurning Woman 7
Kerry IngramTurning Woman 8
Richard BremmerEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Leslie CsuthEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Eleanor BruceEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Emma DukesEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Stephen MatthewsEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Peter SaracenEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Sebastian SykesEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Phil ZimmermanEnsemble 'At the End of the Day'
Bessie CarterEnsemble Factory Women
Helen CotterillEnsemble Factory Women
Tricia DeightonEnsemble Factory Women
Mandy HollidayEnsemble Factory Women
Charlotte HopeEnsemble Factory Women
Jackie MarksEnsemble Factory Women
Sara PelosiEnsemble Factory Women
Mary RoscoeEnsemble Factory Women
Amelia ScaramucciEnsemble Factory Women
Caroline SheenEnsemble Factory Women
Rachael ArcherEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Lorna BrownEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Antonia ClarkeEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Mary CormackEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Sonya CullingfordEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Holly Dale SpencerEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Amy GriffithsEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Fania GrigoriouEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Amanda HendersonEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Alexia KhadimeEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Luisa LazzaroEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Gemma O'DuffyEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Amy Ellen RichardsonEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Olivia Rose-AaronEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Robyn Miranda SimpsonEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Rachel StanleyEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies' / Ensemble Wedding Dancer
Nancy SullivanEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Rebecca SutherlandEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Tabitha WebbEnsemble 'Lovely Ladies'
Gerard BentallEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Tony BignellEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Michael CahillEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Richard ColsonEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Kerry EllisEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Simon Fisher-BeckerEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Sarah FlindEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Kelly-Anne GowerEnsemble 'Master of the House'
James GreeneEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Nick HolderEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Chris HowellEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Alison JiearEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Terence KeelyEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Martin MarquezEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Sally MatesEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Jeff NicholsonEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Adam SearlesEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Simon ShortenEnsemble 'Master of the House'
Juliet AldericeEnsemble Paris Beggars
Sean BuckleyEnsemble Paris Beggars
Valerie CutkoEnsemble Paris Beggars
Spike GrimseyEnsemble Paris Beggars
Matt HarropEnsemble Paris Beggars
Georgina JacksonEnsemble Paris Beggars
Perry MillwardEnsemble Paris Beggars
Phil PhilmarEnsemble Paris Beggars
Joyce SpringerEnsemble Paris Beggars
Julie StarkEnsemble Paris Beggars
Dominic ApplewhiteEnsemble Student
Matthew CornerEnsemble Student
Andy CoxonEnsemble Student
Jonathan DudleyEnsemble Student
Rhidian MarcEnsemble Student
Chris MilfordEnsemble Student
Jamie MuscatoEnsemble Student
Joseph PetersEnsemble Student
David RobertsEnsemble Student
Stevee DaviesEnsemble Student
Jonny PurchaseEnsemble Student
Matt Seadon YoungEnsemble Student
Jos SlovickEnsemble Student
Matthew Seadon-YoungEnsemble student
Samuel J. WeirEnsemble Student
Sophie HuchinsonEnsemble Turning Women
Ella HuntEnsemble Turning Women
Claire MachinEnsemble Turning Women
Brenda MooreEnsemble Turning Women
Mischa PurnellEnsemble Turning Women
Annette YeoEnsemble Turning Women
Josephine Darvill-MillsEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Jennifer EssexEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Vicky EvansEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Edward Lewis FrenchEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Nigel GartonEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Lynn JezzardEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Nicholas KeeganEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Steve KirkhamEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Vanessa Lee HicksEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Ian ParsonsEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Gemma PayneEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Clinten PearceEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Claire PiquemalEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Aaron SillisEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Ian WallerEnsemble Wedding Dancer
Joshua WichardFrench Grenadier Undercover Policeman (uncredited)
Francia, XIX° secolo. Jean Valjean, un uomo povero, ma volitivo, finisce in carcere dopo aver rubato del pane per nutrire la sorella. Dopo essere stato liberato ed essersi fatto una posizione nella società, l'uomo si prenderà cura della piccola orfana Cosette.
L'imponente musical diretto da Tom Hooper arriva in home video ricevendo da parte della Universal il trattamento tecnico che era lecito attendere...
Andrea Bedeschi / 16 giu 2013 -
L'ennesima trasposizione dell'opera di Hugo cerca di ripetere il successo del musical teatrale ma dimostra che al cinema lo scontro individuale funziona più della storia corale...
Gabriele Niola / 15 gen 2013