Grazie al conceptual artist
Aleksi Briclot possiamo ammirare una serie di suggestivi concept art da lui realizzati per
Thor Ranarok, il cinecomic uscito nelle sale qualche mese fa.
Nelle opere sono rappresentati Surtur, Hela, Thor, Loki, il Gran Maestro ed altri personaggi. Li potete ammirare qui di seguito:
Hela concept art done for Thor : Ragnarok. So finally after 2 years now working for Marvel Studios I can now share some of my works. Really proud of working with the visual development core team leaded by the mighty @andyparkart and with awesome talents like @jwsze, @anthony_francisco_art @kortizart @ianjoynerart and more! So this Hela version was made in the first round of concept. Cate Blanchett wasn't yet part of the cast. # #hela #thorragnarok #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #thor #conceptart
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 20 Nov 2017 alle ore 12:53 PST
Thor : Ragnarok / Surtur. This one was The first concept I did on this project. First week on the movie. I'll post all the evolutions. From first draft to the screen. #thor #thorragnarok #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #conceptart #surtur
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 21 Nov 2017 alle ore 14:06 PST
"Hell-oooooooooo!!!" A keyframe painted for Thor : Ragnarok. It's the firy Surtur growing up and popping from the Asgard palace (yeah like from a giant cake). It's Ragnarok Time, the end of everything so the mois is dramatic. It was interesting to extrapolate the palace look from the two previous movies. With the mighty guidance of @andyparkart #teamandy ! #thor #thorragnarok #surtur #keyframe #mcu #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse #visualdevelopment #asgard
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 22 Nov 2017 alle ore 09:42 PST
He's on fire! Obviously another concept for Surtur in Thor : Ragnarok. This one is labeled 7 as it was my 7th proposal. About Fire and attitude. Lava crust and smoke. As a character is part of a story I like to add a little environment when I can. A setting adds a context. - -#Thor #thorragnarok #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #marvel #surtur #demon #conceptart #inferno #muspelheim #ragnarok
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 23 Nov 2017 alle ore 09:54 PST
And here is a proposal for Loki, the mischievous God of Lies and Mischief for Thor : Ragnarök! Played by the intense and awesome @twhiddleston. The final concept was signed by @anthony_francisco_art. I've used a lot of leather, fur and raw fabric. For conveying the proper look of a really ancient God. - #loki #thor #thorragnarok #mcu #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse #tomhiddleston #asgard #characterconcept #conceptart
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 24 Nov 2017 alle ore 10:19 PST
Concept art of Valkyrie for Thor : Ragnarök! Played by #tessathompson in the movie. And the final Valkyrie design (on Saakar) is signed by @constantinesekeris. At this conceptual stage I assume that none of us imagined that she would appear completely wasted in her introducing shot. I've dealed with elements both from Thor and Odin for this proposal. And still under the master guidance of @andyparkart - #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #valkyrie #odin #conceptart #ragnarok #asgard
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 25 Nov 2017 alle ore 13:17 PST
This time it's a concept art for the giant wolf Fenris in Thor : Ragnarok. We've tried tons of different approach before coming back to a more usual dark wolf. On this one it was about moving interlacing. Like nordic patterns in motion forming the body. Still with @andyparkart lead. - #teamandy #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #fenris #fenrir #asgard #wolf for #hela #conceptart
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 27 Nov 2017 alle ore 10:10 PST
A creature concept done for Thor : Ragnarok. It's for a scrapper found on the market of Saakar. A strong guy that Thor would bump into and that would immediately look for a good fight. This is some of the first proposals. - #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #sakaar #sakaaran #scrapper #creature #alien
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 29 Nov 2017 alle ore 10:15 PST
A concept art for the Grand Master in Thor : Ragnarok. The character is played by #Jeffgoldblum in the final movie but the cast was not announced when we begin working on this guy. I've based this proposal on the same palette from the comics reference. Yellow became gold for adding a more precious vibe. And patterns are refering to backgammon, strategy games as well as Klimt look-a-like patterns. The big challenge here is making this guy believable in a 2017 movie. - #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #grandmaster #kirby #conceptart #saakar #instaart #marvelstudios #costume #digitalpainting
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 30 Nov 2017 alle ore 09:03 PST
A gladiator for Thor : Ragnarok. One of the guys that should face other gladiators (and Hulk?) in the arena of the grandmaster in Saakar. I've based my first proposals on the usual gladiator types : this one being close to a Thracian or a Secutor. - #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #grandmaster #kirby #conceptart #saakar #instaart #marvelstudios #costume #digitalpainting #gladiator #arena
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 1 Dic 2017 alle ore 10:23 PST
Hela being fried in Thor : Ragnarok. Apologies to Mrs Blanchett. I’ve made several tries on this one, with more or less skin visible, burned area, broken antlers, smoke and lightning. Knowing the tone the director @taikawaititi was following, I was also trying to get some fun feeling in the effect. Maybe some cartoony vibe. You know like the feeling from the sequence in Avengers when Hulk was smashing Loki on the ground. Something unexpected... - #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #hela #kirby #conceptart #asgard #instaart #marvelstudios #costume #digitalpainting #cateblanchett
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 2 Dic 2017 alle ore 09:13 PST
Thor suffering from heartburn in Thor : Ragnarok. Maybe it's because of Valkyrie bad alcohol? Or something he eat in the cafeteria with fellow gladiators? Who knows? Or it could be some concept about the Obedience disk that Valkyrie putted on Thor neck. And then the GrandMaster having fun with this device. I've focused on the light effects and also on the skin in all my proposals. #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #grandmaster #valkyrie #kirby #conceptart #asgard #instaart #marvelstudios #costume #digitalpainting #obedience #gladiator #arena
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 4 Dic 2017 alle ore 11:37 PST
Some other early proposal for Surtur for Thor : Ragnarok. This one is not red, this one is not in fire and without muscular anatomy like the comics reference. It was cool and interesting to try some free and fresh version of this character. Taking some distance from the initial material. Giving a wide spectrum of proposals is part of the job. This one is dealing with bones (the horns are like two desicated arms), crusted lava and ancient armor. A complete joy to work under the guidance of the mighty @andyparkart letting me try some crazy stuff. #thor #thorragnarok #marvel #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #surtur #kirby #conceptart #asgard #instaart #marvelstudios #creature #digitalpainting #demon #inferno #muspelheim
Un post condiviso da Aleksi Briclot (@aleksibriclot) in data: 5 Dic 2017 alle ore 15:23 PST
Cosa ne pensate? Ditecelo nei commenti!
Thor: Ragnarok sarà l’ultimo della trilogia di Thor. Scritto da Christopher Yost e Craig Kyle, riprenderà dal finale di Thor: the Dark World, in cui veniva rivelato che Loki (Tom Hiddleston) aveva segretamente preso il trono Asgardiano camuffandosi da Odino. Diretto da Taiki Waititi, il film è girato in Australia a partire dal 4 luglio 2016.
Nel cast di ritorno Chris Hemsworth nei panni di Thor, Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Tom Hilddeston (Loki), Idris Elba (Heimdall), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) e Anthony Hopkins (Odino).
Tra le new entry, invece, Cate Blanchett, che sarà la cattiva del film Hela; Jeff Goldblum sarà l’eccentrico Gran Maestro; Tessa Thompson (“Creed,” “Selma”) sarà Valchiria e Karl Urban, invece, interpreterà Skurge.
Il film è arrivato il 25 ottobre nelle nostre sale.