Thor: l'armatura da cerimonia di Odino nei nuovi concept art

Online sono approdati un paio di nuovi concept art dedicati al vestiario di Odino in Thor, cinecomic del 2011

Il conceptual artist Charlie Wen ha postato sul suo profilo Instagram dei concept art relativi al vestito cerimoniale di Odino (Anthony Hopkins) direttamente da Thor, primo cinecomic dedicato al Dio del Tuono arrivato nelle sale nel 2011.

Trovate i concept qua sotto:

In continuing #thor & #loki ‘s parent, here is Odin’s unused ceremonial design! My intent was to compliment the formal garb of Frigga. The beautiful final ceremonial design for Odin was done by @ryan_meinerding_art . Thinking of posting one of the super early concepts of Odin - linked with the “Wacky Loki” and the early Asgard exploration previously posted - when I was world-building the realm of Asgard before we had an art department. Tomorrow?? * * * * * #thor #odin #mcu #costumedesign #father @anthonyhopkins

Un post condiviso da Charlie Wen (@imcharliewen) in data: Ago 28, 2018 at 3:42 PDT

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