New Moon in Rome: report and description of new scenes
Decription of new scenes from New Moon shown today at the Rome Film Festival, and transcript of the Q&A with the actors and the screenwriter.
Source: BadTaste
New scenes shown in Rome today:EDWARD LEAVES BELLA
Edward goes to Bella's home: he needs to talk to her. He tells her they must leave Forks, because Carlisle is starting to raise suspicions. At first, Bella is convinced he means she's leaving Forks with him, but then she slowly realizes this isn't the case. She asks Edward: "What do you mean by 'us'?". He replies: "Just me and my family".
Bella is upset. She assures him that the incident with Jasper at her birthday party was "nothing", but Ed replies: "That's my point: it was nothing compared to what could've happened". He tells her that she doesn't belong in his world. She replies: "Well, this changes quite a few things".
Then Edward utters his famous line, "Please don't do anything reckless, this is the last time you'll ever see me". Bella tries to reason with him, says she's not afraid of losing her soul, but he won't be swayed.The scene ends with a long tracking shot following Edward as he leaves Bella. The screen turns black, then we see Bella throw herself on the ground.
No new scenes, slightly shorter version of Italian theatrical trailer seen online a few days ago.
Cast and crew shooting in Montepulciano, Bella runs to Edward and hugs him. Everybody's enthusiastic about working in Italy, Weitz looks very relaxed and easygoing. Pattinson says that shooting "live" in front of so many people feels like being on stage in a theatre. It's strange to shoot such short scenes (10 seconds) over and over in front of such a massive crowd.
Volturi Hall. Most of the decoration in the hall will be added in CGI, as the place itself is quite bare with empty walls. Stephenie Meyer says it's great to finally see the Volturi in the flesh, and says Aro is "sadistic". We see Edward fighting with the Volturi, as Kristen claps her hands backstage.
"Breaking Dawn: will it be filmed? When?"
Rosenberg and the actors declined to answer, and only said they are perfectly happy with the first three films. (They didn't say "We don't know yet", they actually skirted the question...) Rosenberg said she has chosen to focus on the emotional journey of the book, and tried to replicate it in her script. This meant condensing some scenes, expanding other scenes with more action sequences. In the first movie she was very protective of her script, and felt Meyer was a strong external influence; but this time she realized Meyer was very cooperative, and a pleasure to work with.
For Twilight, Rosenberg and Hardwicke worked together on the script; this time around it was just Rosenberg, as Weitz came on board after the script was finished.
Cameron Bright said he likes the Twilight Saga because it offers a very original viewpoint on vampires, different and deeper than other vampire books and films. New Moon will be an action movie: boys will like it, too.
Charlie Bewley said the good thing about playing a Volturo is you don't know the backstory of your character, so you can make up your own backstory and imagine your character's past.
Pictures from the red carpet are being posted on the official Italian blog.
Scritto da Melissa Rosenberg e diretto da Chris Weitz, New Moon esce il 18 novembre 2009. Il terzo episodio, Eclipse, diretto da David Slade, esce il 30 giugno 2010.
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