Jurassic Park: ecco i primi dettagli sul cofanetto del 25° anniversario con i film della saga in 4K Ultra HD
La Universal ha diffuso online i primi dettagli sul nuovo cofanetto dedicato ai film della saga di Jurassic Park
Il cofanetto comprenderà ogni film della saga uscito fino ad ora (Jurassic Park, Il Mondo Perduto, Jurassic Park III e Jurassic World) accompagnato da una copia 4K Ultra HD, una Blu-ray e da una copia digitale.
Ricordiamo che il 5° capitolo del franchise, Jurassic World: Il Regno Distrutto, arriverà nelle sale a giugno.Qui di seguito potete vedere le cover dell'oggetto e leggere anche le specifiche tecniche di ogni disco:
Tocca un'immagine per scorrere la galleriaDisc 1 – Jurassic Park:
Includes a digital copy of Jurassic Park.Features High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Brighter, Deeper, More Lifelike Color
Disc 2 – The Lost World: Jurassic Park:
Includes a digital copy of The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
Features High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Brighter, Deeper, More Lifelike Color
Disc 3 – Jurassic Park III:
Includes a digital copy of Jurassic Park III.
Features High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Brighter, Deeper, More Lifelike Color
Feature Commentary with Special Effects Team
Disc 4 – Jurassic World:
Includes a digital copy of Jurassic World.
Features High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Brighter, Deeper, More Lifelike Color
Disc 5 – Jurassic Park:
Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era
Return to Jurassic Park: Making Prehistory
Return to Jurassic Park: The Next Step in Evolution
The Making of Jurassic Park
Original Featurette on the Making of the Film
Steven Spielberg Directs Jurassic Park
Hurricane in Kauai Featurette
Early Pre-Production Meetings
Location Scouting
Phil Tippett Animatics: Raptors in the Kitchen
Animatics: T-Rex Attack
ILM And Jurassic Park: Before and After the Visual Effects
Foley Artists
Production Archives: Photographs, Design Sketches and Conceptual Paintings
Jurassic Park: Making the Game
My Scenes
Pocket BLU App
Disc 6 – The Lost World: Jurassic Park:
Includes a digital copy of The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Return to Jurassic Park: Finding The Lost World
Return to Jurassic Park: Something Survived
Deleted Scenes
The Making of The Lost World
Original Featurette on the Making of the Film
The Jurassic Park Phenomenon: A Discussion with Author Michael Crichton
The Compie Dance Number: Thank You Steven Spielberg From ILM
ILM & The Lost World: Before & After the Visual Effects
Production Archives: Production Photographs, Illustrations and Conceptual Drawings, Models, The World of Jurassic Park, The Magic of ILM, Posters and Toys
Theatrical Trailer
My Scenes
Pocket BLU App
Disc 7 – Jurassic Park III:
Includes a digital copy of Jurassic Park III
Return To Jurassic Park: The Third Adventure
The Making of Jurassic Park III
The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park III
The Special Effects of Jurassic Park III
The Industrial Light & Magic Press Reel
The Sounds of Jurassic Park III
The Art of Jurassic Park III
Montana: Finding New Dinosaurs
Tour of Stan Winston Studio
Spinosaurus Attacks The Plane
Raptors Attack Udesky
The Lake
A Visit to ILM
Dinosaur Turntables
Storyboards to Final Feature Comparison
Production Photographs
Feature Commentary with Special Effects Team
Theatrical Trailer
My Scenes
Pocket BLU App
Disc 8 – Jurassic World:
Deleted Scenes
Chris & Colin Take on the World
Welcome to Jurassic World
Dinosaurs Roam Once Again
Jurassic World: All-Access Pass
Innovation Center Tour with Chris Pratt
Jurassic’s Closest Shaves – Presented by Barbasol®