Hobbs & Shaw: Dwayne Johnson e Vanessa Kirby in una nuova foto dal set

Dwayne Johnson e Vanessa Kirby sono i protagonisti di una nuova foto scattata sul set di Hobbs & Shaw

Tramite Instagram Dwayne Johnson ci offre un nuovo sguardo a Hobbs & Shaw, lo spin-off di Fast&Furious diretto da David Leitch (regista di Deadpool 2) incentrato sui personaggi dell’agente dei servizi segreti diplomatici Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) e sull’assassino Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham).

La foto, che potete vedere qua sotto, ci offre un primo sguardo a Vanessa Kirby nei panni di Hattie Shaw, sorella di Deckard Shaw.

Ecco lo scatto:

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Building out our Fast & Furious franchise step by step. In our spin-off, HOBBS & SHAW, I have a nice new friend. Meet “Hattie Shaw” played by my homegirl, @vanessa__kirby. Hattie loves the following/ Longs walks on the beach. Being a bad ass MI6 Operative. Drinking tequila with Hobbs. And not in that order. Hattie also happens to be the sister of Deckard Shaw, who’s played by @jasonstatham. It tortures him that his sister Hattie is kickin’ it with Hobbs. His pain ? makes me very happy. But what makes me happier is welcoming this crazy talented actress and cool chick to our movie. Havin’ a blast together. Building out the franchise step by step. #HattieShaw #MI6BadAss #TequilaDrinkerWithHobbs HOBBS & SHAW ?

Un post condiviso da therock (@therock) in data: Ott 29, 2018 at 1:11 PDT

L’uscita è fissata per il 26 luglio 2019.

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