Hobbs & Shaw: Dwayne Johnson e Roman Reigns scatenati nelle nuove foto dal set!

Dwayne Johnson ha postato delle nuove foto dal set di Hobbs & Shaw...

Dwayne Johnson è tornato su Instagram dopo la nuova foto di Hobbs & Shaw, lo spin-off di Fast & Furious diretto da David Leitch (regista di Deadpool 2) incentrato sui personaggi dell’agente dei servizi segreti diplomatici Luke Hobbs (The Rock appunto) e sull’assassino Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), diffusa ieri.

Nei nuovi scatti, che trovate qua sotto, la star ha anche specificato che il wrestler Leati Joseph Anoa'i più conosciuto con il nome Roman Reigns, interpreterà il fratello di Hobbs.

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (questo il titolo ufficiale), ricordiamo, arriverà nelle sale americane il 2 agosto.

Ecco le immagini:

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The brothers’ roar. A lil’ HOBBS & SHAW exclusive. Good times droppin’ sweat and spillin’ blood with my family, @RomanReigns who’ll be playing my brother in our FAST & FURIOUS UNIVERSE. I’m very proud of his focus, effort and authentic performance in our movie for his very first time on film. I’m also very grateful to spend this quality time with my cousin here in the islands as he takes life one day at a time to recover from leukemia. His perseverance and humility battling this challenge has inspired our entire family as well as millions around the world in our beloved @WWE Universe. Can’t wait to see the “Big Dog” return back to the ring - his positive & focused mindset to return is straight up next level. Til’ then, this sacred Samoan ?? ground you stand on is nourished with our ancestors blood. Today, we nourish it with yours. #WelcomeRomanReigns #Brothers #HobbsAndShaw THIS SUMMER ??? @hhgarcia41 ?

Un post condiviso da therock (@therock) in data: Gen 25, 2019 at 11:16 PST

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