Hobbs and Shaw: Dwayne Johnson torna alle Hawaii per finire le riprese del film

Dwayne Johnson si sta recando ancora alle Hawaii per finire le sue riprese di Hobbs and Shaw

Le vacanze sono finite. Si torna al lavoro! Dwayne Johnson ha di recente pubblicato uno scatto sul suo profilo Instagram in cui afferma di star volando alle Hawaii per finire le sue riprese di Hobbs & Shaw, lo spin-off di Fast & Furious diretto da David Leitch (regista di Deadpool 2) incentrato sui personaggi dell’agente dei servizi segreti diplomatici Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) e sull’assassino Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham).

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (questo il titolo ufficiale), ricordiamo, arriverà nelle sale americane il 2 agosto. Ecco lo scatto:

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A good laugh at 40,000ft. Flyin’ back to Hawaii now to finish production on HOBBS & SHAW. Looked down at my plate and started to laugh at my plain grilled chicken and white rice and had an epiphany. Laughed cuz when I was teenager living in Hawaii, we were evicted from our lil’ $180 per week apartment and forced to leave the island. That part ain’t so funny, but what IS funny is that even back then when I was 14yrs old, my daily diet was EXACTLY THE SAME as it is today, eatin’ the same shit - plain grilled chicken and white rice ? Same kid. Same shit. #ChickenAndRice #HawaiiBound ??

Un post condiviso da therock (@therock) in data: Gen 3, 2019 at 2:20 PST

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