Argo, in arrivo l'extended edition in Blu-Ray
Il prossimo 3 dicembre la Warner Bros. metterà in commercio una ricca edizione estesa di Argo, l'acclamato film diretto e interpretato dal futuro Batman Ben Affleck... [Update]
"Argo fuck yourself!".
La Warner Bros. ha annunciato che Argo, l'acclamato film diretto e interpretato da Ben Affleck vincitore di ben tre premi Oscar - tra i quali la statuetta per il Miglior Film - verrà riproposto in home video in Extended Edition a partire dal 3 dicembre (la data fa ovviamente riferimento al mercato statunitense).La nuova edizione proporrà sia la versione cinematografica che quella arricchita da scene aggiuntive - dieci minuti per un totale di 130 minuti - oltre a diversi extra inediti. All'interno della confezione saranno presenti anche svariati memorabilia:
Un poster di Argo
La mappa di Tehran
La replica del tesserino CIA di Tony Mendez
Un libro di 40 pagine contenente foto, informazioni, biografie e molto altro
In attesa di scoprire i dettagli dell'eventuale edizione italiana, rimandiamo alla nostra recensione del Blu-Ray di Argo uscito qualche mese fa, mentre, a seguire, potete trovare la lista americana degli extra:
Argo Declassified - Tony Mendez’s daring operation gets honored as part of the CIA’s 50th anniversary
Ben Affleck’s Balancing Act - Balancing humor, politics, Hollywood and international intrigue as only Affleck and his team could do
Argo F*ck Yourself - Ben Affleck leads an all-star review of Argo’s classic line
Picture in Picture: Eyewitness Account: Relive the takeover of the US Embassy in November of 1979 and the daring rescue mission in January of 1980 through the eyes of those that lived it.
Feature length audio commentary with director Ben Affleck and writer Chris Terrio
Rescued from Tehran: We Were There - President Jimmy Carter, Tony Mendez and the actual houseguests recount the real-life harrowing experience they endured.
Argo: Absolute Authenticity - From characters to heart-stopping action, Ben Affleck’s eye and ear for hard-hitting realism and attention to exacting detail has become his signature as an A-list filmmaker.
Argo: The CIA & Hollywood Connection - Director Ben Affleck and former CIA agent Tony Mendez give a firsthand view of the actual documents and cover story used to create the phony movie Argo that had all of Hollywood believing in.
Escape from Iran: The Hollywood Option – Escape from Iran commemorates the 25th anniversary of the “Canadian Caper,” taking us back to this startling affair through the direct testimony of the Americans who found sanctuary at the Canadian embassy in Tehran, and the Canadians who risked their own safety to shelter their closest neighbors.
Argo Files:
Tony Mendez on Tony Mendez - Former CIA agent Tony Mendez shares additional details and stories from the mission
A Discussion with the Cast of Argo - Ben Affleck joins Bryan Cranston, John Goodman, Alan Arkin, Clea Duvall and Rory Cochran for a live conversation about their experiences while making Argo
The Istanbul Journey - Ben Affleck shows us why Istanbul was the ideal place to shoot Argo
All-new Collectible Memorabilia:
Argo one-sheet Poster
Map of Tehran
Reproduction of Tony Mendez’s CIA ID card
40-page book premium featuring behind the scenes photos, production notes, bios and more
Rating: R
Theatrical Version Run Time: 120 mins
Extended Edition Run Time: 130 mins