Classifiche Giappone 10/2-16/2: Dragon Quest Monsters 2 continua a dominare


Dragon Quest dimostra ancora una volta (qualora ce ne fosse bisogno) la forza del brand in Giappone

Ancora una volta sono i grandi nomi a farla da padrone nelle classifiche di vendita giapponesi. Dragon Quest Monsters 2 continua a restare in vetta, affiancato da Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
Il gorilla Nintendo ha sicuramente aiutato (anche se di non molto) le vendite di Wii U, che mostrano un incremento rispetto alla settimana scorsa.
Poca crescita invece per 3DS e le sue varianti e PS Vita.

Potete trovare le classifiche hardware e software di seguito (tra parentesi, i risultati della scorsa settimana):



  1. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Wonderful Mysterious Keys (Square Enix, 02/06/14) – 118,427 (562,083)

  2. [Wii U] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo, 02/13/14) – 35,717(New)

  3. [3DS] A-Ressha de Ikou 3D (Artdink, 02/13/14) – 27,009 (New)

  4. [3DS] Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Nintendo, 01/09/14) – 23,017 (440,131)

  5. [3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 22,230 (423,836)

  6. [3DS] Magi: Aratanaru Sekai (Namco Bandai, 02/13/14) – 15,793 (New)

  7. [3DS] Puzzle & Dragons Z (GungHo Online Entertainment, 12/12/31) – 15,462 (1,359,241)

  8. [3DS] Puyopuyo Tetris (Square Enix, 02/06/13) – 13,717 (58,345)

  9. [PS3] Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost (Namco Bandai, 01/30/14) – 13,704 (313,291)

  10. [3DS] Pokemon X and Y (Nintendo, 10/12/13) – 12,750 (3,950,322)

  11. [PS3] Diablo III (Square Enix, 01/30/14) – 7,345 (62,277)

  12. [Wii U] Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo, 11/21/13) – 6,952 (489,596)

  13. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 4 (Capcom, 01/23/14) – 6,611 (224,094)

  14. [PSV] Terraria (Spike Chunsoft, 02/06/14) – 6,245 (21,315)

  15. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto V (Take-Two, 10/10/13) – 5,904 (707,610)

  16. [3DS] Sentouchu Densetsu no Shinobi to Survival Battle (Namco Bandai, 10/17/13) – 5,450 (270,846)

  17. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) – 5,275 (3,672,543)

  18. [3DS] Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind (Spike Chunsoft, 12/05/13) – 5,273 (248,079)

  19. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 09/14/13) – 5,103 (3,219,168)

  20. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Nintendo, 12/26/13) – 4,785 (377,432)


  • 3DS LL – 27,650 (36,306)

  • PSV – 17,081 (16,951)

  • 3DS – 12,066 (12,002)

  • PS3 – 10,226 (10,240)

  • Wii U – 8,782 (7,180)

  • PSP – 2,944 (2,948)

  • PSVTV – 1,267 (1,331)

  • 360 – 256 (194)

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