Top Gear USA: History Channel cancella lo show dopo 6 stagioni

History ha cancellato il programma Top Gear USA dopo sei anni e BBC Worldwide è alla ricerca di una nuova emittente per lo show


History ha annunciato di aver cancellato Top Gear USA dopo sei anni.
Ad annunciare la notizia è stato Rutledge Wood, uno dei conduttori dello show, scrivendo:

"Sono veramente triste nel dirlo, ma la puntata di martedì sera su History sarà l'ultima di Top Gear USA che abbiamo girato per voi. Non dico che sia conclusa per sempre la serie, ma lo è su History e per il prossimo futuro. E' stata sicuramente una meravigliosa esperienza e anche se non sappiamo se lo show si sia concluso, sembra che lo sia con i nostri amici su History, e siamo incredibilmente grati per aver fatto parte della famiglia di A&E Networks".

I'm very sad to say, but Tuesday night's #TopGear on @History is the last TG US that we have shot for you. I'm not saying Top Gear USA is done, but it's done for the immediate future on @History . I remember the day that I got the phone call to ask if I'd be interested in talking to one of the producers about possibly being one of the hosts of the US's version of the world's most iconic car show. It's been an amazing ride for sure, and although I don't think the show is done, it appears that it's done with our friends at History, and we're incredibly grateful for being a part of the A&E Networks family. I have had so much fun with Tanner and Adam, they really are like brothers to me. We've traveled this amazing country and to some of the coolest places on earth together, and even in the hardest moments, it's been a total dream come true. The three of us will stick together and hope to bring you much more Top Gear USA, albeit it somewhere else it appears. To the FANS- we cannot say enough how much we truly appreciate each and every one of you. You have always been there for us in great numbers, and we really do love you all. You are the reason shows like ours exist, and you're also the reason we've been so lucky to do this show for so long together. We never dreamed how many families would sit and watch our show and laugh together. We never knew how many couples would sit and watch three goofballs go out and try to make each other laugh. And yet, you all watched...and you told other people and shared in the joy. To everyone who worked on TGUS- thank you. For everything. You're our family and you're the reason we got to do this for so many years together. So here's a toast to all of you out there. I hope you'll watch Tuesday night and enjoy the last show we made for you. We took a trip of a lifetime down to Cuba and drove classic American cars from the 50's down there, and I can tell you it's one of the coolest things we have ever done together. Cheers and lots of love, Rutledge

Una foto pubblicata da @rutledgewood in data: 26 Giu 2016 alle ore 19:25 PDT

Il conduttore ha inoltre voluto ringraziare i suoi colleghi:

6 years, 72 shows, countless adventures and more laughs than I can even count. Thank you @tannerfoust & @adamferrara for taking this journey with me. I love you both like brothers & I wouldn't change a single thing...except maybe beat Tanner more often. To all of the fans...from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Making #TopGearUS on @history has been an absolute dream come true. We have loved our friends at History & I wish we could be on there forever...but we will stick together & you'll see us again soon, I promise. To everyone who ever worked on TGUS, worked on the cars, anyone who Loaned us cars, helped us get locations to be idiots, audience members for the studio, and anyone else I'm forgetting...thank you thank you thank you. We couldn't have done it without you! Viva Top Gear US!

Una foto pubblicata da @rutledgewood in data: 28 Giu 2016 alle ore 19:12 PDT

La versione statunitense di Top Gear, il programma dedicato ai motori ideato dalla BBC, aveva debuttato su History nel 2010 ed era condotta da Wood, Adam Ferrara e Tanner Foust.

BBC Worldwide ha dichiarato:

"History ha trattato Top Gear USA con grande cura, e lo show ha fatto parte della programmazione del network per cinque stagioni. Siamo completamente impegnati a occuparsi del brand di Top Gear, caratterizzato da incredibile successo e conosciuto in tutto il mondo, e abbiamo iniziato a esplorare nuove opportunità per la serie negli Stati Uniti".

Fonte: The Hollywood Reporter

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