Parlarne tra amici: le nuove foto della serie tratta dal romanzo di Sally Rooney

Hulu ha condiviso nuove foto della serie Parlarne tra amici, tratta dal romanzo scritto da Sally Rooney

Parlarne tra amici (Conversations with Friends), l'adattamento del romanzo di Sally Rooney, debutterà sugli schermi televisivi nella primavera 2022 e, nell'attesa, sono state condivise nuove foto ufficiali.
La serie avrà come protagonista l'esordiente Alison Oliver, al centro del progetto ,composto da dodici puntate, che cercherà di replicare il successo ottenuto da Normal People.

Ecco le nuove immagini che mostrano i protagonisti della serie targata Hulu e BBC:Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Melissa (Jemima Kirke) and Bobbi (Sasha Lane), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu) Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Nick (Joe Alwyn) and Frances (Alison Oliver), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu) Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Bobbi (Sasha Lane), Nick (Joe Alwyn), Frances (Alison Oliver), and Melissa (Jemima Kirke), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu) Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Bobbi (Sasha Lane) and Frances (Alison Oliver), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu) Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Melissa (Jemima Kirke), Bobbi (Sasha Lane), Frances (Alison Oliver), and Nick (Joe Alwyn), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu) Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Frances (Alison Oliver), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)

Element Pictures, Lenny Abrahamson e Alice Birch hanno collaborato per produrre il progetto e le puntate saranno dirette da Abrahamson e Leanne Welham.

La sceneggiatura è stata firmata da Alice Brich, Mark O'Halloran, Meadhbh McHugh e Susan Soon He Stanton.

Nel ruolo della protagonista Frances ci sarà Alison Oliver, un'attrice emergente che si è diplomata alla Lir Academy, la stessa dove ha studiato Paul Mescal (Normal People).
Sasha Lane (American Honey) interpreterà Bobbi, Joe Alwyn (Mary Queen of Scots) avrà la parte di Nick, e Jemima Kirke (Sex Education) avrà il ruolo di Melissa.

Parlarne tra amici racconta la storia della ventunenne Frances, una studentessa del college alle prese con alcune relazioni che la obbligano ad affrontare le proprie vulnerabilità per la prima volta. Frances ha un grande spirito da osservatrice, è cerebrale e acuta. La sua ex-fidanzata, ora miglior amica, Bobbi è sicura di sé, estroversa e coinvolgente. Le due, nonostante si siano lasciate da tre anni sono praticamente inseparabili e sono protagoniste di eventi poetici a Dublino. Durante uno dei loro show le ragazze incontrano Melissa, una scrittrice più anziana di loro che rimane affascinata dalla coppia. Bobbi e Frances iniziano a trascorrere del tempo con la donna e il marito Nick, un bellissimo, ma riservato, attore. Mentre Melissa e Bobbi flirtano apertamente, Nick e Frances iniziano un'intensa relazione segreta che sorprende entrambi. Presto il legame inizia a mettere alla prova quello tra Frances e Bobbi, costringendola a mettere in discussione ciò che pensa di se stessa e dell'amicizia a cui tiene così tanto.

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Fonte: SpoilerTv

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