Oscar 2017: i migliori commenti e meme sullo scandalo della busta sbagliata!
Lo sconvolgente finale degli Oscar 2017 ha generato una pioggia di commenti e meme in rete. Ecco i migliori!
UPDATE: Svelato chi ha causato la gaffe!
I wrote the ending of the academy awards 2017. @jimmykimmel we really got them!
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) February 27, 2017
#Oscars pic.twitter.com/ccGA5VsarR
— Stephen Battaglio (@SteveBattaglio) February 27, 2017
Amazing ending. Wish that had happened on Election Day.
— Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) February 27, 2017
Have your people call our people - we know what to do. #Oscars #MissUniverse
— Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) February 27, 2017
La La Land won the popular vote.
— Steve Howey (@stevehowey) February 27, 2017
Moonlight won the electoral college. #Oscars
I KNEW IT!!!!!! #Oscars pic.twitter.com/0G8IKGRIo7
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) February 27, 2017
L’epico errore, Warren Beatty annuncia il Miglior Film sbagliato
Alessandro Bertolazzi e Giorgio Gregorini vincono miglior make-up per Suicide Squad!
L’italo-canadese Nicolas Alan Barillaro vince per il miglior corto animato!
Oscar 2017: La La Land trionferà secondo i lettori di BadTaste.it!
Cosa ne pensate? Ditecelo nei commenti!