Oscar 2015: Apes Revolution e Big Hero 6 trionfano ai VES Awards

È Apes Revolution - il Pianeta delle Scimmie a vincere il riconoscimento più importante ai VES Awards, premio di categoria degli artisti degli effetti visivi

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Sono Apes Revolution - il Pianeta delle Scimmie e Big Hero 6 i grandi vincitori della 13esima edizione dei VES Awards, i premi della Visual Effects Society, l'associazione che rappresenta gli artisti degli effetti visivi.

Il film di Matt Reeves, ora grande favorito all'Oscar per i migliori effetti visivi, ha vinto tre premi, mentre il film Disney ha vinto tutti e cinque i premi a cui era candidato, incluso quello come miglior film d'animazione. Delusione invece per l'altro film d'animazione favorito, Boxtrolls - le Scatole Magiche.

JJ Abrams ha ricevuto il Visionary Award: qui sotto trovate il video del suo discorso, seguito dalla lista dei premi.

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Joe Letteri, Ryan Stafford, Matt Kutcher, Dan Lemmon, Hannah Blanchini

Outstanding Animation in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
Big Hero 6

Don Hall, Chris Williams, Roy Conli, Zach Parrish

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture

Ara Khanikian, Ivy Agregan, Sebastien Moreau, Isabelle Langlois

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Photoreal/Live Action Broadcast Program
Game of Thrones
; The Children
Joe Bauer, Steve Kullback, Stuart Brisdon, Thomas Schelesny, Sven Martin

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Photoreal/Live Action Broadcast Program
American Horror Story; Freak Show
; Edward Mordrake, Part 2
Jason Piccioni, Jason Spratt, Mike Kirylo, Justin Ball, Eric Roberts

Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Christoph Salzmann, Florian Schroeder, Quentin Hema, Simone Riginelli

Outstanding Compositing in a in a Photoreal/Live Action Commercial

Neil Davies, Leonardo Costa, Gianluca DiMarco

Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal/Live Action Broadcast Program
Game of Thrones
; The Watchers on the Wall
Dan Breckwoldt, Martin Furman, Sophie Marfleet, Eric Andrusyszyn

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Commercial
; Maya
Neil Davies, Alex Hammond, Jorge Montiel, Beth Vander

Outstanding Real-Time Visuals in a Video Game
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Yi-chao Sandy Lin-Chiang, Joseph Salud, Demetrius Leal, Dave Blizard

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project

Roman Kaelin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann, Paolo Tamburrino

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project
Ratatouille: L’Aventure Totalement Torquee de Remy

Tony Apodaca, Marianne McLean, Gilles Martin, Edwin Chang, Mark Mine

Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal/Live Action Motion Media Project
X-Men: Days of Future Past
; Kitchen Scene
Austin Bonang, Casey Schatz, Dennis Jones, Newton Thomas Sigel

Outstanding Models in any Motion Media Project
Big Hero 6
; City of San Fransokyo
Brett Achorn, Minh Duong, Scott Watanabe, Larry Wu

Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
Big Hero 6
; Into the Portal
Ralf Habel, David Hutchins, Michael Kaschalk, Olun Riley

Outstanding Created Environment in a Commercial, Broadcast Program, or Video Game
Game of Thrones
; Braavos Establisher
Rene Borst, Christian Zilliken, Jan Burda, Steffen Metzner

Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture
; Tesseract
Tom Bracht, Graham Page, Thomas Døhlen, Kirsty Clark

Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture
X-Men: Days of Future Past
; Quicksilver Pentagon Kitchen
Adam Paschke, Premamurti Paetsch, Sam Hancock, Timmy Lundin

Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
Big Hero 6

Henrik Falt, David Hutchins, Michael Kaschalk, John Kosnik

Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Commercial, Broadcast Program, or Video Game
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Dominique Vidal, Isabelle Perin-Leduc, Sandrine Lurde, Alexandre Lerouge

Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
Big Hero 6
; Baymax
Colin Eckart, John Kahwaty, Zach Parrish, Zack Petroc

Outstanding Performance of an Animated Character in a Photoreal/Live Action Feature Motion Picture
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
; Caesar
Paul Story, Eteuati Tema, Andrea Merlo, Emiliano Padovani

Outstanding Performance of an Animated Character in a Commercial, Broadcast Program, or Video Game
; Maya
Jorge Montiel, Alex Hammond, Daniel Kmet, Philippe Moine

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