Order of the Phoenix to be shot on location in Italy?

BadTaste.it can exclusively reveal that Warner Bros have approached a series of small towns in the Savona area (near Genoa, Italy), with a view to filming part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix against the dramatic backdrop of a medieval Italian castle! UPDATE: Warner Bros has debunked the rumour!

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UPDATE: Warner Bros has debunked the rumour!

Source: BadTaste.it news tip, Il secolo XIX

UPDATE 13th JUNE: We spoke to the journalist who wrote the article. She says she was contacted by Warner Bros!

UPDATE: Warner Bros has confirmed this morning to The Leaky Cauldron.org that there are currently no plans to film any scenes for OotP in Italy. BadTaste.it will check with the local authorities in Balestrino... We'll keep you posted!

Many thanks to Whaks, a member of BadTaste's HP forums, for providing us with a scan of today's Il secolo XIX newspaper. The article shows a picture of the Castello di Balestrino in North-Western Italy, where scenes from the upcoming Order of the Phoenix movie could be filmed as early as this Fall.

Representatives for Warner Bros, the article states, have been visiting a number of small medieval towns around Italy, looking for the perfect location for scenes to be shot for OotP.

Among the locations that were chosen and were being evaluated was the ancient Castle of Balestrino, a stunning medieval fortress around which a typical Italian village was built in the early Middle Ages. Because the Castle is private property, WB might have to ask for permission to film, not just from the local authorities, but from the owners of the building as well.

Over the last few weeks, the production company has commissioned a survey of the castle, to assess its compatibility with filming requirements. This part of Northern Italy offers breathtaking landscapes: it's a small region enclosed between the Tirreno sea and the Alps. In the area there's also a centuries-old sanctuary to the Virgin Mary, which would certainly make striking background scenery for any movie.

The mayor of Balestrino, Mr. Italo Panizza, confirms the local authorities have been contacted by WB, and that the visit actually took place, but he insists no definite arrangements were made yet, though filming for those scenes is scheduled to begin in October. Mr. Panizza added:

"Naturally, we made it clear we'd be more than happy to help. We are flattered to have been considered for the opportunity to host such a big, world-famous production. And this is why we have halted all renovation and repair work to the ancient buildings across the village: Warner Bros asked us not to touch anything."

Alessandra Bergero, Head of the local Film Commission authority, sounds less enthusiastic:

"WB did come and visit Balestrino; but they went to other towns all over Italy as well. As of now, there is no certainty as to whether they will shoot the movie here in Balestrino".

Thus, we find out Warner Bros has been looking around for the perfect Italian medieval town, to get the right atmosphere for the film. What scenes will they shoot? We can only guess, but, what with the magnificent scenery of the Alps mountain range nearby, could Giants be involved?

Rumours have been circulating over the last few months, suggesting that Order of the Phoenix would be shot on location in the Czech Republic, or - more recently - Turkey, possibly due to the expense of filming in Scotland and the bad Scottish weather that has delayed filming. While this is probably not the case with Italy (blessed with great weather, but possibly more expensive than Turkey): should Italy get the chance to become a part of the Potter world, this would mark the very first time production for a HP movie goes overseas, outside the United Kingdom.

Shooting would commence in October, the Mayor says; that would be after the summer hiatus has ended (the younger actors will have taken their GCSE examinations by then), and just prior to the date principal photography for Movie 5 is scheduled to wrap up (November).

Click on the picture below to see a scan of the article, together with a picture of the Castle:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be in theaters on July 13th, 2007.

Thanks to Whaks, once again, for the tip!

Article posted by Miss Prissy
June 11th, 2006

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