Le Avventure di Tintin guida le nomination ai VES Awards

La Visual Effects Society ha annunciato le nomination alla decima edizione dei premi di categoria: in testa Le Avventure di Tintin, escluso The Tree of Life...

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L'anno scorso Inception aveva fatto incetta di nomination e poi aveva ottenuto il maggior numero di premi, quest'anno toccherà forse a Le Avventure di Tintin: il Segreto dell'Unicorno, che ha ottenuto sei nomination nella decima edizione dei VES Awards, i premi di categoria della Visual Effects Society che verranno assegnati in una cerimonia il 7 febbraio, durante la quale Stan Lee verrà insignito del VES 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award e Douglas Trumbull del Georges Méliès Award.

A sorpresa, invece, è stato escluso The Tree of Life, presente invece nella shortlist dei film candidati alla nomination all'Oscar per i migliori effetti visivi. Cinque nomination per Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 2 e per Transformers 3, mentre L'Alba del Pianeta delle Scimmie ne ha ottenute quattro, Hugo Cabret tre e Thor e Captain America due. 

Potete vedere le nomination del settore cinema qui sotto:

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Feature Motion Picture

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
    Charlie Noble, Mark Soper, Christopher Townsend, Edson Williams

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
    Tim Burke, Emma Norton, John Richardson, David Vickery

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
    Gary Brozenich, David Conley, Charlie Gibson, Ben Snow

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    Dan Lemmon, Joe Letteri, Cyndi Ochs, Kurt Williams

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Scott Benza, Wayne Billheimer, Matthew Butler, Scott Farrar

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature Motion Picture

  • Anonymous
    Andre Cantarel, Volker Engel, Rony Soussan, Marc Weigert

  • Hugo
    Ben Grossmann, Alex Henning, Rob Legato, Karen Murphy

  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
    Laya Armian, Chas Jarrett, Seth Maury, Sirio Quintavalle

  • Source Code
    Annie Godin, Louis Morin

  • War Horse
    Duncan Burbidge, Ben Morris, Mike Mulholland, Chris Zeh

Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature Motion Picture

  • Arthur Christmas
    Doug Ikeler, Chris Juen, Alan Short, Mandy Tankenson

  • Kung Fu Panda 2
    Melissa Cobb, Alex Parkinson, Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Raymond Zibach

  • Puss In Boots
    Joe Aguilar, Guillaume Aretos, Ken Bielenberg, Chris Miller

  • Rango
    Tim Alexander, Hal Hickel, Jacqui Lopez, Katie Lynch

  • The Adventures of Tintin
    Jamie Beard, Joe Letteri, Meredith Meyer-Nichols, Eileen Moran

Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Ukranian Ironbelly
    Yasunobu Arahori, Tom Bracht, Gavin Harrison, Chris Lentz

  • Paul - Paul
    Anders Beer, Julian Foddy, Jody Johnson, David Lowry

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Caesar
    Daniel Barrett, Florian Fernandez, Matthew Muntean, Eric Reynolds

  • The Thing - Edvard/Adam
    Lyndon Barrois, Fred Chapman, Greg Massie, Marco Menco

Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture

  • Puss In Boots - Puss
    Antonio Banderas, Ludovic Bouancheau, Laurent Caneiro, Olivier Staphylas

  • Rango - Rango
    Frank Gravatt, Kevin Martel, Brian Paik, Steve Walton

  • Rio - Nigel
    Diana Diriwaechter, Sang Jun Lee, Sergio Pablos, Aamir Tarin

  • The Adventures of Tintin - Tintin
    Gino Acevedo, Gustav Ahren, Jamie Beard, Simon Clutterbuck

Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

  • Anonymous - London
    Andre Cantarel, Robert Freitag, Rony Soussan, Greg Strasz

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: Hogwarts
    Keziah Bailey, Stephen Ellis, Clement Gerard, Pietro Ponti

  • Thor - Heimdall's Observatory
    Pierre Buffin, Audrey Ferrara, Yoel Godo, Dominique Vidal

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 155 Wacker Drive
    Giles Hancock, John Hanson, Tom Martinek, Scott Younkin

Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature Motion Picture

  • Puss In Boots - The Cloud World
    Guillaume Aretos, Greg Lev, Brett Miller, Peter Zaslav

  • Rango - Main Street Dirt
    John Bell, Polly Ing, Martin Murphy, Russell Paul

  • The Adventures of Tintin - Bagghar
    Hamish Beachman, Adam King, Wayne Stables, Mark Tait

  • The Adventures of Tintin - Docks
    Matt Aitken, Jeff Capogreco, Jason Lazaroff, Alessandro Mozzato

  • The Adventures of Tintin - Pirate Battle
    Phil Barrenger, Keith F. Miller, Alessandro Saponi, Christoph Sprenger

Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

  • Hugo
    Martin Chamney, Rob Legato, Adam Watkins, Fabio Zangla

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    Thelvin Cabezas, Mike Perry, R. Christopher White, Erik Winquist

  • Thor
    Xavier Allard, Pierre Buffin, Nicolas Chevallier

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Michael Balog, Richard Bluff, Shawn Kelly, Jeff White

Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in an Animated Feature Motion Picture

  • Arthur Christmas
    Michael Ford, David Morehead, Emi Tahira

  • Cars 2
    Mahyar Abousaeedi, Sharon Calahan, Jeremy Lasky, Jonathan Pytko

  • Rango
    Colin Benoit, Philippe Rebours, Nelson Sepulveda, Nick Walker

  • The Adventures of Tintin
    Matt Aitken, Matthias Menz, Keith F. Miller, Wayne Stables

Outstanding Models in a Feature Motion Picture

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Hogwarts School Buildings
    Steven Godfrey, Pietro Ponti, Tania Marie Richard, Andy Warren

  • Hugo - Train Crash
    Scott Beverly, Allan Faucher, Forest P. Fischer, Matthew Gratzner

  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - Parking Garage
    John Goodson, Russell Paul, Kristian Pedlow, Vick Schutz

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Driller
    Tim Brakensiek, Kelvin Chu, David Fogler, Rene Garcia

Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
    Casey Allen, Trent Claus, Brian Hajek, Cliff Welsh

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
    Michele Benigna, Martin Ciastko, Thomas Dyg, Andy Robinson

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    Jean Luc Azzis, Quentin Hema, Simon Jung, Christoph Salzmann

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Chris Balog, Ben O'Brien, Amy Shepard, Jeff Sutherland

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