Jumanji: Dwayne Johnson alle prese con delle scene d'azione nelle nuove foto e video dal set

The Rock ci riporta ancora una volta sul set di Jumanji

Le riprese di Jumanji sono ancora in corso.

Come al solito la possibilità di curiosare sul set della pellicola ci viene offerta da The Rock che, su Instagram, ha diffuso delle nuove foto e un video in cui ci descrive la scena che sta per girare.

Trovate tutto qua sotto:

Been shooting #Jumanji for months now and I've been waiting patiently for this night to come... In the original movie, the world of #Jumanji came to us. Now 20yrs later in our continuation of the story, we go to the amazing and deadly world of #Jumanji. For months we've shot everything.. all the comedy, all the jungle action and all the heart. Finally, tonight - Saturday night - all night - I get to knuckle up with my stunt brothers and I get to beat some ass like a drum. My stunt brother here @taitfletcher is going night night. And when he wakes up, I'll be good as gone cause he can rearrange my face with one punch. Let's get it on boys and have some fun. #OnSet #KnuckleUp #BeatingAssesLikeDrums #BeenWaitingForMonths #StuntBrotherLuv #Jumanji #Tonights4YouAlanParrish?

Una foto pubblicata da therock (@therock) in data: 3 Dic 2016 alle ore 12:58 PST

Doin' dirt with my stunt brothers tonight. Rehearsals before the bodies hit the floor... I'm searching for a good spot to break his leg with one shot. This scene also looks like what happens when too many drugs are taken at a party. Just say no. #OnSet #HowISpendMySaturdayNights #FightNight #Jumanji

Una foto pubblicata da therock (@therock) in data: 3 Dic 2016 alle ore 21:29 PST

This bad man is an asshole and I must throw him thru this cement pillar. My hand strength is like vice grips... he has no choice. For the record, this man is roughly 6'8 and well over 350lbs - he's massive and mean - I must run away now to preserve my health. #OnSet #MySaturdayNights #KnuckleUp #StuntBrotherLuv #Jumanji

Una foto pubblicata da therock (@therock) in data: 3 Dic 2016 alle ore 21:39 PST

My ride or die. @kevinhart4real Kev's High pitched voice "cut!" ?? Makin' a great movie and havin' a hard working blast. #TwoBAMFs #OnSet #Jumanji #ImClearlyOnOne

Un video pubblicato da therock (@therock) in data: 4 Dic 2016 alle ore 18:25 PST

A dirigere la pellicola, prodotta da Matt Tolmach, William Teitler e Ted Field, il regista Jake Kasdan. Le riprese sono iniziate il 19 settembre a Honolulu.

Lo script è opera di Scott Rosenberg e Jeff Pinkner, che si sono basati su una bozza di Chris McKenna e Erik Sommers.

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