Jordan Vogt-Roberts aggiorna su Metal Gear Solid e nota delle "somiglianze sospette" nel trailer di Black Widow
Il regista Jordan Vogt-Roberts aggiorna su Metal Gear Solid via Twitter e nota delle "strane somiglianze" fra Black Widow e l'estetica del gioco
A Culver City sono già stati aperti gli uffici di produzione e fervono già i lavori sugli adattamenti di Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, God of War e The Last of Us per la TV o il cinema.
Il filmmaker ha preso parola su Twitter per rilasciare qualche aggiornamento sul progetto, o meglio, per "giustificare" la mancanza di aggiornamenti costanti in materia
BONUS SE SIETE ARRIVATI ALLA FINE: mi dispiace di non potervi aggiornare con una certa regolarità sul film di Metal Gear Solid... ma:
Abbiamo appena finito una nuova stesura della sceneggiatura che è piena delle bizzarrie di Kojima e piena di surrealismo militare. Non dirò altro.
Spero di incontrare un attore molto specifico a breve
Facciamo questo film!
BONUS IF YOU MADE IT TO THE END: I’m sorry can’t update you on the MGS film more regularly... but:
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
-We just turned in a new draft. It’s full Kojima-quirk and full Military surrealism. I won’t say more 🤫
-I’m hoping to meet a specific actor very soon :)
-Let’s make this movie!
Prima di questo update che, oltretutto, ci porta inevitabilmente a porci la domanda "Di quale attore sta parlando?" (forse Oscar Isaac?), il regista non si è trattenuto dal notare una certa somiglianza fra il look sfoggiato da Black Widow in un particolare momento del trailer approdato online qualche giorno fa.
Per il regista somiglia molto a The Boss, personaggio apparso in MGS 3: Snake Eater e MGS: Peace Walker. Ma le similitudini, secondo lui, si estendono un po' a tutto il mood del filmato promozionale della pellicola targata Marvel Studios, somiglianze evidenziate tramite degli screenshot comparativi. Roberts nota anche come il trailer del lungometraggio interpretato da Scarlett Johnasson presenti notevoli citazioni al cosiddetto stile di combattimento “CQC” tipico della saga di Metal Gear, caratterizzato da un'alternanza repentina fra lotta armata e a mani nude.
Now we should touch on “CQC”.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
What is CQC you ask?
It’s a legendary and technical style of combat unique to the Metal Gear franchise.
It’s designed for “rapid alternation between armed & hand to hand combat”
This moment plays on loop in my brain.
So here we witness the old tradition (still celebrated in most of rural Eastern Europe) where two spies (and family) unexpectedly ‘bump’ into each other.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
Immediately guns draw as tense pleasantries are exchanged through the narrow sights.
What happens next you ask?
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
An immediate display of balletic movement as each spy attempts disarm the other.
NOTE: This thread will be ONLY describing what happens in MGS. Any parallels you see are your own.
Blow for blow & quip for quip, years of subtextul backstory ooze from the action.
Anyhow, back to the MGS3 scenes.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
As they grapple, the audience gleans this is what family bonding looks like when you were raised on the battlefield.
Guns quickly begat knives which in turn begats the sound of crunching bones...
BLAM! Eventually the loser / protege gets acrobatically kick-flipped to the ground!.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
Almost instantly, a lighthearted conversation emerges as if nothing horrifically violent just happened.
The two kindred souls talk about “home” and what that means to soldiers in particular...
To state the obvious - I like Marvel movies and my buds have made truly amazing films there.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
I also think Kevin Fiege 100% deserves an honorary Oscar for crafting the INFINITY SAGA similar to the custom award Walt Disney received for SNOW WHITE...but with all Marvel iconography.
I have loving, trusted friends on Black Widow so I will reserve judgement until I see the film but this surprised me given the deep reservoir Marvel has to draw from....
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
❗️MGS OTAKU❗️how does all of this this sit with you? Marvel fans, do you care? Fans of both? Let me know!!
PLEASE keep it civil in the replies as we unpack homage and when or if that becomes insidious to the source.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
I’m going to work now! I fell down a Metal Gear YouTube vortex all night. It was oddly... zen watching hours of MGS cinematics as a bizarre meditation 📦
Every movie is a miracle. Decent movies are double miracles. Great movies are triple miracles and the bottom line is making movies is hard and we should always root for films to be good.
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 3, 2019
So, I hope Black Widow is great but also...
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