I vincitori del Sundance Film Festival 2012
Sono stati assegnati ieri sera i premi dell'edizione 2012 del Sundance Film Festival. Tra i vincitori, Beasts of the Southern Wild e The Surrogate...
Il Sundance Institute ha annunciato ieri sera a Park City i premi speciali della Giuria, del Pubblico, NEXT e altri premi dell'edizione 2012 del Sundance Film Festival.
"Ogni anno il Sundance Film Festival porta alla luce nuove, eccitanti direzioni e voci inedite del cinema indipendente, e quest'anno non è andata diversamente," ha commentato il direttore John Cooper. "Questi premi evidenziano i film che hanno avuto l'impatto maggiore sul pubblico e sulla giuria, ma il livello mostrato nelle varie sezioni del Festival è stato impressionante".117 i lungometraggi presentati durante la dieci giorni di Park City, film provenienti da 30 Paesi e realizzati da 45 registi debuttanti, di cui 24 in concorso e 64 presentati in prima assoluta, tutti selezionati tra i 4.042 titoli pervenuti quest'anno. I cortometraggi presentati sono stati 64.
A vincere il premio della giuria per il miglior film drammatico è stato Beasts of the Southern Wild (distribuito negli USA dalla Fox Searchlight) di Benh Zeitlin, mentre il premio della giuria per il miglior cast e il premio del pubblico per il miglior film drammatico è andato a The Surrogate di Ben Lewin (uno dei pochi possibili successi commerciali annunciati a uscire dal festival quest'anno, distribuito sempre da Fox Searchlight che ne ha comprato i diritti per sei milioni di dollari).Ecco l'elenco completo dei vincitori:
The Grand Jury Prize: Documentary was presented by Charles Ferguson to:
The House I Live In / U.S.A. (Director: Eugene Jarecki)The Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic was presented by Justin Lin to:
Beasts of the Southern Wild / U.S.A. (Director: Benh Zeitlin, Screenwriters: Benh Zeitlin, Lucy Alibar)The World Cinema Jury Prize: Documentary was presented by Nick Fraser to:
The Law in These Parts / Israel (Director: Ra'anan Alexandrowicz)The World Cinema Jury Prize: Dramatic was presented by Julia Ormond to:
Violeta Went to Heaven (Violeta se Fue a Los Cielos) / Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Spain (Director: Andrés Wood, Screenwriters: Eliseo Altunaga, Rodrigo Bazaes, Guillermo Calderón, Andrés Wood)The Audience Award: U.S. Documentary, Presented by Acura, was presented by Mike Birbiglia to:
The Invisible War / U.S.A. (Director: Kirby Dick)The Audience Award: U.S. Dramatic, Presented by Acura, was presented by Mike Birbiglia to:
The Surrogate / U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Ben Lewin)The World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary was presented by Edward James Olmos to:
Searching for Sugar Man / Sweden, United Kingdom (Director: Malik Bendjelloul)The World Cinema Audience Award: Dramatic was presented by Edward James Olmos to:
Valley of Saints / India, U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Musa Syeed)The Best of NEXT <=> Audience Award, Presented by Adobe Systems Incorporated, was presented by Tim Heidecker to:
Sleepwalk With Me / U.S.A. (Director: Mike Birbiglia, Screenwriters: Mike Birbiglia, Ira Glass, Joe Birbiglia, Seth Barrish)The U.S. Directing Award: Documentary was presented by Fenton Bailey to:
The Queen of Versailles / U.S.A. (Director: Lauren Greenfield)The U.S. Directing Award: Dramatic was presented by Lynn Shelton to:
Middle Of Nowhere / U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Ava DuVernay)The World Cinema Directing Award: Documentary was presented by Jean-Marie Teno to:
5 Broken Cameras / Palestine, Israel, France (Directors: Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi)The World Cinema Directing Award: Dramatic was presented by Alexei Popogrebsky to:
Teddy Bear / Denmark (Director: Mads Matthiesen, Screenwriters: Mads Matthiesen, Martin Pieter Zandvliet)The Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award was presented by Anthony Mackie to:
Safety Not Guaranteed / U.S.A. (Director: Colin Trevorrow, Screenwriter: Derek Connolly)The World Cinema Screenwriting Award was presented by Richard Pena to:
Young & Wild / Chile (Director: Marialy Rivas, Screenwriters: Marialy Rivas, Camila Gutiérrez, Pedro Peirano, Sebastián Sepúlveda)The U.S. Documentary Editing Award was presented by Kim Roberts to:
DETROPIA / U.S.A. (Directors: Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady)The World Cinema Documentary Editing Award was presented by Clara Kim to:
Indie Game: The Movie / Canada (Directors: Lisanne Pajot, James Swirsky)The Excellence in Cinematography Award: U.S. Documentary was presented by Tia Lessin to:
Chasing Ice / U.S.A. (Director: Jeff Orlowski)The Excellence in Cinematography Award: U.S. Dramatic was presented by Amy Vincent to:
Beasts of the Southern Wild / U.S.A. (Director: Benh Zeitlin, Screenwriters: Benh Zeitlin, Lucy Alibar)The World Cinema Cinematography Award: Documentary was presented by Jean-Marie Teno to:
Putin's Kiss / Denmark (Director: Lise Birk Pedersen)The World Cinema Cinematography Award: Dramatic was presented by Alexei Popogrebsky to:
My Brother the Devil / United Kingdom (Director and screenwriter: Sally El Hosaini)A U.S. Documentary Special Jury Prize for an Agent of Change was presented by Heather Croall to:
Love Free or Die / U.S.A. (Director: Macky Alston)A U.S. Documentary Special Jury Prize for Spirit of Defiance was presented by Heather Croall to:
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry / U.S.A., China (Director: Alison Klayman)A U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Prize for Excellence in Independent Film Producing was presented by Cliff Martinez to:
Andrea Sperling and Jonathan Schwartz for Smashed and Nobody Walks
- Smashed / U.S.A. (Director: James Ponsoldt, Screenwriters: Susan Burke, James Ponsoldt
- Nobody Walks / U.S.A. (Director: Ry Russo-Young, Screenwriters: Lena Dunham, Ry Russo-Young)A U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Prize for Ensemble Acting was presented by Cliff Martinez to:
The Surrogate / U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Ben Lewin)A World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Prize for Artistic Vision was presented by Clara Kim to:
Can / Turkey (Director and screenwriter: Rasit Celikezer)A World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Prize for its Celebration of the Artistic Spirit was presented by Richard Pena to:
SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN / Sweden, United Kingdom (Director: Malik Bendjelloul)The inaugural Short Film Audience Award, Presented by Yahoo!, based on online voting for nine short films that premiered at the Festival and are currently featured on Yahoo! Screen, was presented to:
The Debutante Hunters (Director: Maria White)