Harry Potter filming in Italy: True or False?

BadTaste.it spoke to the journalist who wrote the article that started it all... Here's what she had to say!


Source: "Il Secolo XIX" newspaper

Two days ago BadTaste.it revealed Warner Bros was allegedly planning to film part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Italy . Representatives for the production company, as stated in the newspaper article we cited, were evaluating a number of locations all over the country, and especially the Castle of Balestrino in North-Western Italy. But then Warner Bros denied the rumour, stating there was "not a grain of truth" in it.

We spoke to the newspaper in question, and we contacted Ms. Silvia Andreetto, author of the article. She confirmed to BadTaste.it that, as soon as her article was published, she received a phone call from Warner Bros, telling her that "the deal was off" because the location had been made public. All negotiations with the local authorities in Balestrino, Ms. Andreetto says, were subject to some sort of "confidentiality clause". As soon as the story was brought into the open, WB apparently backed away.

We are now trying to speak with the Mayor of Balestrino, and we'll keep you posted.

The article also stated that other towns all over Italy were being considered and evaluated; so we believe there is still a possibility some scenes for OotP could be filmed in Italy.

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