Game of Thrones: Maisie Williams partecipa a sorpresa a un party organizzato dai fan

L'attrice Maisie Williams ha fatto una sorpresa a una coppia di fan che aveva organizzato un party in occasione della première di Game of Thrones

L'attrice Maisie Williams ha utilizzato i social media per fare una divertente sorpresa a un gruppo di fan. L'interprete di Arya ha infatti chiesto nel pomeriggio di domenica se qualche studente della UCLA stesse organizzando una serata a tema per vedere la première di Game of Thrones.
Dopo aver individuato una coppia, Mark e Kate, che studia cinema e aveva preparato un party nel loro appartamento, Maisie è quindi andata a comprare degli snack e si è presentata a sorpresa all'evento.
La casa era preparata con addobbi e pietanze ispirate al serial, e la giovane star ha apprezzato in particolare i biscotti "uova di drago".

Ecco il racconto fatto via Instagram da Maisie:

(1/12) This commences my photo story. Earlier today I put this out to everyone on Twitter... I wanted to find some unsuspecting fans and surprise them with drinks and snacks before the premiere episode tonight...

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:49 PDT

(2/12) I found a couple, Mark and Kate, film students, who were throwing a party at their apartment, with a few friends. So at 8pm we left the hotel to go get snacks.

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:52 PDT

(3/12) We saw (on Twitter) that Mark and Kate had already made Game of Thrones themed snacks, and decorated their apartment, but who doesn't love extra popcorn and crisps?

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:55 PDT

(4/12) SNACKS DONE. We were on our way to surprise our lovely fans!

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:56 PDT

(5/12) We could hear the party inside so we had to be REALLY quiet!

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:57 PDT

(6/12) Firstly, I met Mark. The buzzer was broken so Mark came down to let us in. After exhaling a "HOLY SHIT!", we hugged it out and he helped us inside.

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 21:59 PDT

(7/12) Mark and I devised a cunning plan. He would enter first declaring that they had won the GoT swag (this was a ploy we made up to throw people off the scent) and I would follow after hoping and praying that everyone would actually recognise me.

Un video pubblicato da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:05 PDT

(8/12) My favourite part is how excited they sound to win the swag, little did they know, I was just around the corner...

Un video pubblicato da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:07 PDT

(9/12) They had the coolest Game of Thrones decorations, but this was my favourite. My money's on dead, it seems I'm outnumbered.

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:09 PDT

(10/12) I went there to surprise them with snacks, but when I got there, I found myself trying one of every single snack they had made.

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:11 PDT

(11/12) They were catching up on the last episode of Season 5 when I went in, and we all giggled nervously as we took pictures during the famous "shame" scene. I had the most amazing time, everyone was so welcoming and excited... Thanks to Mark, Kate and company for having us in your lovely flat. Enjoy the rest of Season 6.

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:16 PDT

(12/12) Ps. Thanks for the dragon egg cookies, they were THA BOMB

Una foto pubblicata da @maisie_williams in data: 24 Apr 2016 alle ore 22:17 PDT

Fonte: TVGuide

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