An Exclusive interview with Spider-Man!

Kickboxing champion Baxter Humby was involved in the third installment of Spider-Man and had the chance to wear the Spidey costume in a fight with Sandman. Read what he said about this experience and what we’ll see on screen…

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A few days ago, kickboxing world champion Baxter Humby published on his own website (which I suggest you visit, if you're not familiar with his extraordinary career) a few pics taken during the shooting of Spider-Man 3, where he was wearing the Spidey costume in a scene with Sandman (Thomas Haden Church). I wrote to Humby, hoping that he could answer a few questions about this experience and his wonderful career. He was so kind as to reply and tell us, among other things, why he was chosen by the Spider-Man 3 production; he also describes the scenes he was involved in (SPOILER). You can read what he said below:

How and when were you asked to work on Spider-Man 3?
Through a fellow amputee, Chris Perreti: he'd heard about me from the Challenged Athletes Foundation and my filming was in June.

Were you a fan of the comic book and the movies before being involved in shooting?
I was a big childhood fan and it was a great honor to be my childhood hero.

How long were you on set?
4 days

What can you tell us about the scene (or the scenes) you were involved in?
The scene I did was a fight with the Sandman and I helped set up the punch sequences. The reason they needed me was, Spiderman punches through the Sandman and they needed a shot with his arm going through him.

How was working with Thomas Haden Church and Sam Raimi? And, in general, with a huge crew in a megabudget sequel?
Everybody was very professional and I was introduced as the World Champ and got instant respect because Dan Bradley has been to see me fight and told the cast and crew about me. Thomas was a perfectionist and needed the shots to be perfect, which will show in the film. He was very nice.

Did you work with (or have the chance to meet) any actors other than Thomas Haden Church? Not there but I had the opportunity to train Tobey Maguire to get ready for the role before filming started. But he wanted just a boxing trainer so I only did a couple of lessons with him and he was very humble.

Lately, you seem to be very interested in a cinematographic career. Do you think it could become your main interest or, instead, are sports still (and will they continue to be) your priority?
Fighting is still my priority but as I get older I'll need something to fall back on and I also had the opportunity to do 3 episodes on the Shield.

What can you tell us about your experience in One Arm Hero?
It was a great experience for me and I own the distribution right for North America so I'm looking to get that sold, the movie is like a Karate kid story loosely based on my life where I overcome the stereotypes of being handicapped and become a World Champion.

What are your upcoming projects in sports and movies?
I'll be defending my World Title on September 30 at the Hollywood Park Casino in Los Angeles California and they might want me back for The Shield

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