È morto John Paul Leon, disegnatore di Terra X e Batman: Creatura della notte
È morto all'età di 49 anni l'artista John Paul Leon, che ha firmato i disegni di opere quali Static, Terra X e Batman: Creatura della notte
Fumettallaro dalla nascita, ha perso i capelli ma non la voglia di leggere storie che lo emozionino.
Negli ultimi anni, un cancro ha rallentato oltremodo la carriera di Leon, costretto a prendersi lunghe pause dalla sua attività; come nel caso di Batman: Creatura della notte, scritta da Kurt Busiek e completata dopo nove anni dal suo annuncio. Recentemente, vi avevamo riportato del suo coinvolgimento sullo speciale legato alla maxi-serie Batman/Catwoman, scritta da Tom King, la cui uscita è prevista negli Stati Uniti il prossimo luglio.
In rete, non si sono fatti attendere i messaggi di cordoglio per la perdita di un artista amato da tutti non solo per le sue doti al tavolo da disegno. Di seguito, vi riportiamo i tweet di Shannon Eric Denton, Tom King, Bill Rosemann, Ron Marz, Denys Cowan, Frank Tieri, Declan Shalvey, Francesco Francavilla, Dan Jurgens, Jamal Igle, Chris Burnham, Andrew Farago e Cully Hammer.La redazione di BadTaste.it si unisci al dolore dei familiari.
RIP John Paul Leon. What a stellar talent and kind voice within our industry. You will be missed by many. #johnpaulleon pic.twitter.com/uUNQMtbkuE
— Shannon Eric Denton (@ShannonDenton) May 2, 2021
John Paul Leon was a comic book humanist. He grounded the inherent absurdity of conveying myth and story through inked panels by insisting the emotional struggle of our lived experience be in every line, every picture. And he was a joy of a man, kind and funny, to the end. RIP. pic.twitter.com/ERLxdJjnIX
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) May 2, 2021
RIP John Paul Leon, a true artist whose every line revealed his depth, heart and humanity. (Unlettered beautiful pages from Black Widow: Deadly Origin.) pic.twitter.com/nm3Lle8pFO
— Bill Rosemann (@BillRosemann) May 2, 2021
Every writer has a list of artists they want to work with. John Paul Leon was always on my list. An utterly unique talent who made a classic artistic tradition very much his own. My heart hurts for the loved ones he left behind, and for the brilliance stolen from all of us. pic.twitter.com/kNB4kJUXgv
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) May 2, 2021
Terrible news
— Denys Cowan (@DenysCowan) May 2, 2021
RIP John Paul Leonhttps://t.co/RZBEFnHVrm
Heartbroken today
Wow. Just heard the news about John Paul Leon. Truly heartbreaking. I was lucky enough to have worked with him on an issue of WEAPON X and always wished I would get the chance to work with him again. A true master taken way too young. RIP pic.twitter.com/FElpmO1GIW
— Frank Tieri (@FrankTieri) May 2, 2021
I'm devastated. My art hero, John Paul Leon has passed away. I was lucky enough to meet him a few times, and he was so sweet, so kind. Considerate in all the ways you'd imagine an artist of such skill and inspiration would be. My most sincere condolences to his family and friends https://t.co/2D0aVNq8MJ
— Declan Shalvey (@declanshalvey) May 2, 2021
So sorry to hear of John Paul Leon's passing. Such a remarkably unique talent--brought so much to the industry and influenced so many. A great loss of a great artist.
— Dan Jurgens (@thedanjurgens) May 2, 2021
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