Conferme e rumor sui progetti in via di sviluppo da parte di Nintendo

Cosa bolle nella pentola della grande Nintendo?


Il portale Nintendoeverything ha stillato un'interessante lista relativa ai progetti in corso dei team di sviluppo interni a Nintendo. Da come potete osservare sono infatti indicati gli ultimi titoli sviluppati, i titoli in via di realizzazione ed alcuni rumor su dei possibili futuri prodotti. Siamo veramente curiosi di sapere cosa ci riserverà il futuro, speriamo che Nintendo sciolga il mistero con qualche corposo Direct nel corso del 2015.

EAD Kyoto 1
– last game: Mario Kart 8
– currently working on Mario Kart 8 DLC
– confirmed to research on new two screen concepts -> new projects still in the planning phase

EAD Kyoto 2
– responsible for Wii Sports and Animal Crossing
– working on Splatoon, to be released next year
– heavily speculated to develop Animal Crossing Wii U

EAD Kyoto 3
– the Zelda team is currently developing Zelda Wii U
– co-developing Majora’s Mask 3D with Grezzo
– a completely new handheld Zelda game is speculated to be in the planning phase

EAD Kyoto 4
– last games: New Super Mario Bros. 2/U, Pikmin 3
– currently working on Mario Maker and co-developing Yoshi’s Woolly World with Good-Feel
– speculated to (co?)-develop Project Giant Robot and Project Guard
– a new Pikmin project is likely, maybe for the New 3DS

EAD Kyoto 5
– no current projects confirmed
– likely to co-develop Star Fox Wii U

EAD Tokyo 1
– development supervision for Majora’s Mask 3D

EAD Tokyo 2
– new 3D Mario confirmed to be in development
– many possibilities for the new game, none of which are confirmed: 3D Land/3D World successor, Super Mario Galaxy 3, Super Mario Sunshine remake, or a completely new Mario game

EAD Tokyo 3
– last games: Ultimate NES Remix and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
– next projects completely unknown

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