Buffy: le foto scattate dal cast nel backstage della reunion

I protagonisti della serie Buffy hanno condiviso online molte immagini della reunion della serie avvenuta grazie a Entertainment Weekly

Joss Whedon e i protagonisti della serie Buffy si sono incontrati in occasione del ventesimo anniversario del debutto della serie sugli schermi americani.
Oltre ai ritratti ufficiali (li potete vedere qui), le star hanno condiviso online molti scatti realizzati nel backstage dell'evento.

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charisma Carpenter e Nicholas Brendon sono stati i più attivi sui social media nonostante l'interprete della Cacciatrice abbia rivelato con una foto che era vietato diffondere online immagini dell'incontro che ha reso felici i fan di tutto il mondo.

#bts @entertainmentweekly #BuffySlays20 ??Family

Un post condiviso da ?? K A R A Z M A ?? (@karazma) in data: 29 Mar 2017 alle ore 10:04 PDT

What's this? A #bts glimpse of all the fun @sarahmgellar and I had at the no longer secret #buffythevampireslayer 20th #anniversary #reunion photo shoot for @entertainmentweekly!! #sisters who #slay ????

Un post condiviso da Michelle Trachtenberg (@michelletrachtenberg) in data: 29 Mar 2017 alle ore 09:10 PDT

Don't forget to pick up your special copy of the #buffy @entertainmentweekly issue today!!

Un post condiviso da Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) in data: 31 Mar 2017 alle ore 07:18 PDT

And not to be left out....@dbdbo69

Un post condiviso da Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) in data: 31 Mar 2017 alle ore 07:43 PDT

#bts #selfie at the secret #buffythevampireslayer 20th #anniversary #reunion photo shoot for @entertainmentweekly. I was 14 when I joined the show, and now I'm 31, older than @sarahmgellar was when she started the show. Did I just blow your minds? Thanks to #josswhedon for casting me as #dawn, the force of energy who was the key to mankind's survival (no big). I learned so much from Sarah and the cast. I learned from Joss how powerful words can be, how meaningful and influential fictional TV characters can be to the audience. As an actress I'm grateful to have brought Dawn to life. As a writer, I learned from some of the best brains in town how to make something so fantastical seem so real. As I like to say. It's all make believe, and it's my job to make YOU #believe. ????

Un post condiviso da Michelle Trachtenberg (@michelletrachtenberg) in data: 29 Mar 2017 alle ore 09:46 PDT

Fonte: EW

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