Black Phone: svelati i contenuti extra dell'edizione home video

Ecco la lista dei contenuti extra dell'edizione home video di Black Phone, ultimo film diretto da Scott Derrickson


Dal 16 agosto (negli USA) sarà disponibile in Dvd e Blu-Ray Black Phone, ultimo film approdato nelle sale diretto da Scott Derrickson (Doctor Strange)

E tramite Amazon è arrivata in rete la lista dei contenuti extra delle varie edizioni.

La potete leggere qua sotto:

  • Deleted Scenes - "Is This America Now?", "No Dreams"

  • Ethan Hawke's Evil Turn - Dive deeper into the character of The Grabber and how Ethan Hawke was able to transform into this unnerving villain.

  • Answering the Call: Behind the Scenes of The Black Phone - Take a behind-the-scenes look into the most pivotal elements of The Black Phoneproduction, including adapting the story and achieving the vision of director Scott Derrickson.

  • Devil in the Design - Explore how the intricacies of production design helped bring this film to life, from the set design, to costumes, to hair and makeup.

  • Super 8 Set - Cast and crew break down the decision to shoot the dream sequences on Super 8 film, and how that helped capture the aesthetic of the time period.

  • Shadowprowler - A short film by Scott Derrickson

  • Feature commentary by producer/co-writer/director Scott Derrickson

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