Batman e Deathstroke: i fan vogliono vedere un film con i due personaggi dopo la Snyder Cut
Dopo la visione di Zack Snyder’s Justice League i fan vogliono rivedere sul grande schermo Batman e Deathstroke possibilmente in un film
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Me after finishing #SnyderCut , knowing there were plans for a Batman x Deathstroke movie which will never happen....
— Jeff Herk (@JeffHerc) March 18, 2021
I need a true detective type of series with @BenAffleck Batman and @JoeManganiello deathstroke with multiple timelines going on at once.
— Julio 🦓 (@julioloveswater) March 18, 2021
I need to see why it’s personal, how it got even, and how they ended up working together in the knightmare. #zacksnydersjusticeleague
@BenAffleck's Batman was a standout he was a Batman slowly regaining his faith in the world, it made all of us want to see his and Jeremy Irons Batman movie with a @JaredLeto Joker and @JoeManganiello's Deathstroke. Batfleck is our grizzled dark knight.
— VaiN Frosty (@StayFrosty_TTV) March 18, 2021
I am really not sure what to make of the #SnyderCut
— ODINSFALL (@ODINSFALL1) March 18, 2021
I enjoyed it, the epilogue especially and after 4 hours I am left wanting more
Would love a film with Batman, Deathstroke and Joker as BFFs
Imma make it clear that Deathstroke is not a the super straight mascot or something. He is a DC comics character that has existed since the 1980s. He is a Green Arrow, Batman, and Teen Titans villain.
— Smoke (@theghost1402) March 18, 2021
I need Ben Affleck back as batman for a batman film! Money talk and if you give that guy 40 million or more to do a batman film I just know he would take it! I need to see batman vs deathstroke! #SnyderCut
— Lord Joker. (@KTownGD22) March 18, 2021
imagining a Justice League anthology series with 1 hour episodes:
— 🛸 (@StreakofBlue) March 18, 2021
-Martian Manhunter
-The Atom
-Batman vs. Deathstroke
-Black Canary
All leading up to ZSJL2
INTERVISTA: Zack Snyder ci parla della Justice League, della sua natura di provocatore e del “futuro di Joker” | EXCL
In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, determinato ad assicurarsi che il sacrificio di Superman (Henry Cavill) non fosse vano, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) unisce le forze con Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) progettando di riunire una squadra di metaumani per proteggere il mondo da una minaccia in avvicinamento di proporzioni catastrofiche. La prova si rivela più difficile di quanto Bruce immaginasse, visto che ogni componente deve affrontare i demoni del proprio passato per liberarsi dalle catene e riuscire così a unirsi, formando una lega di eroi senza precedenti. Finalmente insieme, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) e Flash (Ezra Miller) potrebbero essere un po’ troppo in ritardo per salvare il pianeta da Steppenwolf, DeSaad e Darkseid e dalle loro terribili intenzioni.
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